Missional Communities

  • Abney/Swinger MC

    Wednesday Nights

  • Adams/Palmer MC

    Thursday Nights

  • McConnell/Zoetewey MC

    Sunday Nights

What are Missional Communities?

Missional Communities (MCs) are our version of small groups and are such an important part of the vision and mission of New City Church that we consider them the “lifeblood” of our church.

If you only worship with us on Sunday mornings and don’t connect to an MC, you are really missing out on the life of the church in New City! We currently have 3 MC’s that meet in homes throughout our city.

Missional Communities are where the “one anothers” we see in scripture are lived out! They provide a way to live as disciples, together, in the regular rhythms of life, and to see where we live, work, and play as opportunities to live together as disciples who make disciples.

We have set times where we gather together; we call these MC Family Gatherings. In these gatherings we share a meal together, fellowship and enjoy one another, worship and pray together, and apply what we’ve learned in the sermon to our lives through sermon discussion. These different aspects of a MC gathering provide opportunities for growth in leadership, whether it’s planning the meal, setting up childcare, leading in prayer or worship, writing sermon discussion questions, or following up with visitors, there are countless opportunities for those in our MC’s to use their gifts for the common good and grow as disciples!